February 24, 2009
Dear Moms Who Don't Live in Sunny California,
I am writing this letter to tell you that I so appreciate you. For the last few weeks, we have had some serious rain (an actual storm or two) and I have realized that us moms out here on the west coast have it easy, well easier than you. I know it's only been a few weeks but I am so over dealing with my children in this weather. I am sick of being inside. I am tired of my kindergardener coming home from school with tons of built up energy from his lack of running around at (the now, much appreciated) recess. And mostly, I am so frustrated with schlepping the kids in and out of the car in the rain.
I realize that I sound like a total complaining wimp. I'm not dealing with snowsuits or temperatures at the freezing levels. But to be fair, I am dealing with two kids completely not used to this kind of weather with seemingly no coping skills, or at the very least, no winter skills. For instance, today there was a major storm so I kept us all inside warm and cozy for most of the day. We played every board game in the closet, watched a movie, danced around, had a few light saber fights and made some "art projects." But then, late in the afternoon, we had to venture out to the pediatrician because, of course, both my kids (and me too) are sick with runny noses and husky sounding coughs. Getting out of the car at the doctor was a disaster. Part of it is because they think the rain is fun. It's different. It doesn't come around all that much so they want to jump in a puddle or two even if it's smack in the middle of a parking lot. And part of the disaster is that they are simply not made or bred for hard core weather.
I opened the door to get them out of the car which is always annoying because of how small parking lot spaces are in L.A. So, there I am trying to open the door and fit myself in a spot where I can undo the car seat with the rain pounding down. I have never quite mastered the umbrella. I can pretty much walk solo and carry an umbrella. That's all though. No other tricks. Now, I just rely on my hoodie jacket and try and, at least, give the kids some coverage. You'd think my kids would see me soaking wet and figure out that they should get moving. But, no. They lollygag around. My son fights me on the topic of wearing a jacket. My daughter kicks off her rain boots so that they go flying in the parking lot. Remember, rain boots in Southern Cali are an accessory not a necessity. Trying to get everyone out with jackets, shoes and umbrellas leave me completely drenched, not mention, drained.
When we finally get in the doctor's office, my son and daughter immediately start peeling off their layers and sprinkling everyone around them with their soggy umbrellas. We don't have assigned places to leave our stuff because we are not used to having "stuff." Once the doctor checks us all out, she gives me a prescription for antibiotics for my little one. Normally, I'd be thrilled. We can finally get rid of some of the sickness. But, this time, all I'm thinking about is the fact that we now have to make another stop at the pharmacy. In and out of the car again. I contemplate withholding medicine from my daughter. I catch myself and regain some sense of composure.
Fortunately, on the way home, we see a rainbow as the sun begins to come out of hiding. And then the following morning, we awake to a full out sunny California day and all is back to normal. I know that in most places (shout out to Montreal where much of the family is), the sun stays in hiding for months and so I am sending my love and admiration to those moms who do cold, rainy and snowy all the time.
All my love and gratitude to you moms,
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