November 17, 2008
I celebrated my 35th birthday this week. It was wonderful. Truly happy. But it was also very different than all of my previous birthdays and not just because I exited (okay was pushed out of) the 18-34 demo and had to realize that no one now cares what I buy, watch, read or do. Well, that made it a little different but didn't make the difference.
For most of my life, I spent my birthday (and the weeks leading up to it) hoping and wanting for all kinds of things. Not unlike my five-year-old, I thought constantly about what I could get for my birthday that would make me happy. In the early days, it was the Barbie Camper, then a walkman and later a maroon-colored ghetto blaster. Even as I got older, I still dog-eared pages of catalogues, browsed magazines to find the latest fashion or accessory that I simply had to have and vigorously followed Oprah's "favorite thing" choices so I could make them my own. I wish I could tell you about all those coveted items but as the years pass so has my memory of all of that highly coveted stuff.
After 30, birthdays began to lose their "oomph." As the numbers increased, my excitement decreased. And yet, I was still hoping and wanting. But instead of a great bag or a new watch, I began wanting and hoping for a marker to know that the previous year had really meant something. I would hope that by next November, I would have a novel published or lose ten pounds or travel somewhere exotic. All that wanting left me feeling pretty empty in a life truly filled to the brim with love and blessings. So...I decided that come this year, I was going to stop wanting, wishing and hoping and start doing.
I started small. I didn't climb Mt. Everest or anything like that. I still drove carpool, shopped at Trader Joe's and tucked my kids into bed with endless stories but on the Sunday before the big 35, I ran my first 5K. It was the best present I could give to myself. I did something that made me feel good about me--about my health, my body and even my age. I was part of something bigger than me (the run was organized by a family in my area that generously donates the proceeds to families struggling with sick children). I did something on my own. As I stood at the starting line all by myself, I had a momentary lonely feeling and then I realized I was surrounded by a community and, oh yeah, I was with me and at this point in my life, I actually knew I could count on myself to get me through those 3.whatever miles.
After I pushed myself up the first hill, I came around a bend and saw my husband (a seasoned marathon runner, by the way) standing with our two beautiful children holding handmade stenciled signs reading, "Happy 35 Mom!" They cheered and yelled for me as I passed. And it was the best birthday moment I have ever had probably because for once, I was in the moment. Enjoying the moment. Appreciating where I am at this moment in my life.
Don't get me wrong...I still loved going home that afternoon and opening fun presents. I love my new Marc Jacobs shoes and can't wait to take my new earrings out for a spin. But I mean no offense to all the gift givers when I say that the best gift was the one I gave to myself.
Here's to next year. I'm thinking 10K!
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